Ph.D. Thesis

Live Video Interaction:

Inventing and investigating technology, formats and applications


With the advent of inexpensive mobile phones with video recording capabilities and high-speed mobile data networks in combination with increasing penetration of environment sensing devices, opened a new design space, which we call “live video interaction”, giving rise to a new genre of applications concerning live video production. These new applications can be seen as instances of the said space. With this background we are particularly interested to explore potential technical challenges and opportunities presented.

We started our investigation by studying two existing prototypes from the said area: Instant broadcasting system (IBS) and Mobile Vision Mixer (MVM). We studied amateur users of collaborative mobile video production tools and the problems they face caused by inherent communication delays in the Internet. We acquired initial user feed back and conducted technical tests on Instant Broadcasting System (IBS) and Mobile Vision Mixer (MVM). Our results indicate that lack of synchronisation cause problems for directors in such systems that were not present in professional systems. We also identified two distinct video production modes (mixing modes) depending on visual access of director to the event that is being filmed. Based on our study we proposed technical design suggestions/indications to solve the synchronisation problems in respective mixing modes. We also proposed and tested by simulation an algorithm for frame-rate exclusive synchronisation management of live streams in collaborative mobile production environment.

We further probed the design space using research through design method, which resulted in a fully functional prototype system called “LeveNature” that would incite an emotional connection that exists between the people and the places they cherish. Further investigation of LiveNature allowed us to produce detailed studies about experiential and technical aspects of the system, thus revealing phenomenological and technical dimensions of the design space.

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List of publications

  • Mughal, M. A., Juhlin, O. Context-dependent software solutions to handle video synchronization and delay in collaborative live mobile video production.  in Personal Ubiquitous Computing (2013) Springer-Verlag London 201310.1007/s00779-013-0701-z  -Journal paper. [pdf]
  • Mughal, M.A. Zoric, G. Juhlin, O. Frame Rate Exclusive Sync Management of Live Video Streams in Collaborative Mobile Production Environment. In Proceedings of the 6th ACM  MoVid 14′Singapore, 2014. [pdf]
  • Mughal, M.A. Wang, J. Juhlin, O. Juxtaposing Mobile Webcasting and Ambient Video for Home Decore. In Proceedings of 13th International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Multimeda (MUM2014). [pdf]
  • Wang, J. Mughal, M.A.  Juhlin, O. Experiencing Liveness of a Cherished Place in the Home In proceedings of ACM International conference on interactive experiences for television and online video. TVX’15, June 03 – 05, 2015, Brussels, Belgium [pdf]


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